Think Tank and Simple Supper

We need your help with a THINK TANK for ideas and suggestions for YAMinistry and for website updates and ongoing items! There will be a ThinkTank and Simple Supper for Cleveland area folks Sept. 15, 2024, 4:00 – 6:00pm.Menu: pulled pork sandwiches, veggies and Sr. Mary Ann’s brownies!Free! For those who can’t be present, put […]


Transformative Prayer

WHAT THIS IS: A prayerful, reflective process of awareness, learning, practice, and commitment that leads toward the transformation of consciousness. It helps each participant to answer thequestion, “What is ours to do in this time?”WHAT CAN I EXPECT: Each session includes prayer, amazingsongs, Scripture, thoughtful questions, reflection time anddialogue.WHAT IS IT NOT: It is not […]


Transformative Prayer

WHAT THIS IS: A prayerful, reflective process of awareness, learning, practice, and commitment that leads toward the transformation of consciousness. It helps each participant to answer thequestion, “What is ours to do in this time?”WHAT CAN I EXPECT: Each session includes prayer, amazingsongs, Scripture, thoughtful questions, reflection time anddialogue.WHAT IS IT NOT: It is not […]


Transformative Prayer

WHAT THIS IS: A prayerful, reflective process of awareness, learning, practice, and commitment that leads toward the transformation of consciousness. It helps each participant to answer thequestion, “What is ours to do in this time?”WHAT CAN I EXPECT: Each session includes prayer, amazingsongs, Scripture, thoughtful questions, reflection time anddialogue.WHAT IS IT NOT: It is not […]


Sunday evening prayer!

Please join us this coming Sunday evening from 8:00 – 9:00 pm for prayer.  We will be praying that God’s transforming grace will transform us in the midst of today’s events and needs.  Why not go big in our prayers!  Zoom : ID: 883 9378 2989One tap mobile+13052241968,,88393782989# US+13092053325,,88393782989# USDial by your location


Transformative Prayer

WHAT THIS IS: A prayerful, reflective process of awareness, learning, practice, and commitment that leads toward the transformation of consciousness. It helps each participant to answer thequestion, “What is ours to do in this time?”WHAT CAN I EXPECT: Each session includes prayer, amazingsongs, Scripture, thoughtful questions, reflection time anddialogue.WHAT IS IT NOT: It is not […]


Young Adult Prayer – Celebrating the Saints[saints] in our lives

Come on Sunday, November 3 at 8:00 and bring your favorite saint with you!   We come together to pray, share those who inspire us and celebrate All Saints Day.This prayer session is the continuation of Transforming Grace: Transforming Presence.  We look to those who have gone before us to shape our values, priorities and give […]


Transformative Prayer

WHAT THIS IS: A prayerful, reflective process of awareness, learning, practice, and commitment that leads toward the transformation of consciousness. It helps each participant to answer thequestion, “What is ours to do in this time?”WHAT CAN I EXPECT: Each session includes prayer, amazingsongs, Scripture, thoughtful questions, reflection time anddialogue.WHAT IS IT NOT: It is not […]


Think Tanks – Real, honest conversations with creative thinking outside the box!

Questions to consider for the Think Tanks:What resources would support you and your inner life?What are some current topics/issues that spark your interest, your curiosity or your concern?Zoom : ID: 873 0196 9092Passcode: 283538


Think Tanks – Real, honest conversations with creative thinking outside the box!

Questions to consider for the Think Tanks:What resources would support you and your inner life?What are some current topics/issues that spark your interest, your curiosity or your concern?Zoom : ID: 810 6687 1085Passcode: 689579


Think Tanks – Real, honest conversations with creative thinking outside the box!

Questions to consider for the Think Tanks:What resources would support you and your inner life?What are some current topics/issues that spark your interest, your curiosity or your concern?Zoom : ID: 821 5550 8918Passcode: 337684


Critical Conversation – Immigration

This conversation will be led by Hilary Lucas, a young adult who has worked for 10 years at Cleveland’s Catholic Charities Migration and Refugee Services office.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 870 9479 7674