WHAT THIS IS: A prayerful, reflective process of awareness, learning, practice, and commitment that leads toward the transformation of consciousness. It helps each participant to answer the
question, “What is ours to do in this time?”
WHAT CAN I EXPECT: Each session includes prayer, amazing
songs, Scripture, thoughtful questions, reflection time and
WHAT IS IT NOT: It is not boring; it is not same old, same old.
It is like nothing we have ever experienced before!
WHY SHOULD I JOIN: This is for everyone who wants to bring hope to the world through reflection and prayer. It is amazing, exciting and stretching!
WHEN: Beginning Sunday, August 4, continuing every other week,
from 8:00 – 9:00 pm ET by Zoom. [See the calendar for a few variations in date.]
Zoom :
Meeting ID: 883 9378 2989
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