Daily Prayer – 2024-07-16T10:00:51.257Z

Sr. Helen Jean Novy, H.M., Daily Prayer

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

One hundred sixty years ago nine sisters

crossed the Atlantic from France*,

an event called “life-changing” by the HM Archivist.**

Through the years the Sisters 

taught in elementary schools and colleges,

founded high schools and hospitals,

ministered in a range of pastoral roles

directed retreats, offered spiritual direction,

prepared others for the sacraments

served In diocesan offices and missions,

on Boards of Directors,

in national and international organizations,

and contributed to a myriad of other services

including caring for homeless women and children

speaking and acting for the environment,

outreach to the poor, minorities, and,

themselves, immigrants, to immigrants and refugees

and in other ways

responding to the signs of the times.***

What has been life-changing in your experiences?

Guiding Spirit,

little can we guess

what might be in store for us

and even for the church and the world,

if we discern and respond to your calls

personally and communally.


*See History on the HM Website:


**TY, Sister Joanne Gardner, H.M.

***We are committed to

“use our voice for peace and justice,

and work to eradicate all traces of racism;

open our hearts to people who are poor and marginalized,

and use our resources to alleviate suffering;

and partner with people and organizations

committed to the message of the Gospel…”

(HM Litany of Hope and Promise)

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