Daily Prayer – 2024-06-30T10:00:38.465Z

Sr. Helen Jean Novy, H.M., Daily Prayer

Sunday, June 30, 2024

We lift our hearts in thanksgiving

for all the gifts in whatever form

received in the month of June.

We lift our hearts in appeal

for all problems and prayer requests

called to our attention in the month of June.

We lift our hearts in celebration

of all feasts, festivals, and occasions

celebrated in the month of June.

We ask you, all-loving God,

to bless all in our hearts.

We ask you, all-knowing God,

to extend your compassion 

to all suffering misery

from situations in the world.

We ask you, all-merciful God,

to extend your mercy for all yearning

to find you again

and know how loved they are.


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