Daily Prayer – 2024-08-09T10:02:19.929Z

Sr. Helen Jean Novy, H.M., Daily Prayer

Friday, August 9, 2024

We all have Worldviews

and unique family backgrounds

and upbringing

as well as our own range

of personal experiences.

We could be characterized in 9 ways

in some personality schemas or

even 16 different ways in another.*

How mind-blowing

that we can communicate at all.

Dear All-Knowing Divine Spirit,

dwelling within each of us,

open our thoughts

to ever greater understanding

of one another.

Bless us with mutual reverence.

Give me patience, wisdom, and acceptance.

Help me communicate

what I desire to share or question

with equanimity and confidence 

in another’s openness and interest.

Let me listen and speak

with reverence and hope.

Bless us all

with peaceful hearts, minds, and spirits.


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