Daily Prayer – 2024-08-05T10:00:44.252Z

Sr. Helen Jean Novy, H.M., Daily Prayer

Monday, August 5, 202

Let us pray for all that the Holy Spirit

would pray for within us.

Let us pray for the needs of all

who have asked for our prayers.

Let us pray for all in our world

needing the kindness of their neighbor.

Let us pray for our world

for all suffering atrocities.

Let us pray for our world

for all with the power to end

the suffering of others.

Let us pray that we all might have

the eyes to see the God-given dignity

of every human person.

Let us pray for spiritual insight

to see Christ claiming and embracing

the least, the unnoticed, even the despised.

Let us pray for renewed faith,

unbreakable hope,

and ever-expanding love.

Let us pray for realization

of how precious we are

to the compassionate heart of God.


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